Amal Al Omari
Chief Scientific Officer, King Hussein Cancer Center (Jordan)
Dr. Al Omari holds a PhD degree in Clinical Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of Iowa, USA. She has more than 25 years of experience spanning pharmaceutical R&D, academia, oncology research and research administration.
In her capacity as Chief Scientific Officer at King Hussein Cancer Center, she leads the Office of Scientific Affairs and Research, which hosts KHCC’s hospital-based Cancer Registry, Center for Research Shared Resources (research support services) and Center for Grants and Contracts Management.
Her research interests are mainly related to the epidemiology of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), in particular, oncologic malignancies in Middle Eastern populations, especially in Jordan, with recent interest in underprivileged and displaced populations (Refugees). In addition to research exploring genetic and epidemiologic predictors of outcome to cancer treatment among Jordanians and other Middle Eastern populations.