Andrés Cervantes
Head of Department, INCLIVA (Spain)
Head of the Medical Oncology Service of the University Clinical Hospital of Valencia
Professor of Medicine of the University of Valencia
General and Scientific Director of the Institute of Health Research INCLIVA
Dr. Andrés Cervantes is Head of the Medical Oncology Department at the University Hospital of Valencia. His training as a Resident Internal Physician was carried out at the University Hospital of Valencia. After completing this period he obtained a predoctoral fellowship at the Free University Hospital in Amsterdam, where he obtained his Doctorate in the cell pharmacology laboratory, with a work on resistance to multiple drugs.
Dr. Cervantes is Professor of Medicine at the University of Valencia. Since May 2017 he is the General and Scientific Director of the Institute of Health Research - INCLIVA.
His main areas of interest and research are gastrointestinal and gynecological cancer, as well as phase I trials and development of new drugs. He is a clinical researcher of rectal cancer, a subject in which he has developed several publications on the quality of multidisciplinary work, the evaluation of the
quality of mesorectal surgery, or how to optimize the ideal choice of initial therapy and, how to treat cancer of the upper third of the rectum. He currently works in the role of liquid biopsy as a marker of minimal residual disease in colon cancer. He is the author of more than 400 articles and reviews of works published in different journals. He is also editor in chief of the journal Cancer Treatment Reviews and associated editor for Annals of Oncology and ESMO Open. He is currently President of ESMO (European Society for Medical Oncology), during the period 2023-2024.