Andrey A. Svistunov
First Vice Rector, I.M Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Russia)
First Vice Rector – I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Russia.
Main research interests:
• Drug discovery, development and production
• Development of new technologies in the field of diagnostics and treatment of socially significant diseases on the basis of achievements of cellular and molecular biology
• Improvement of educational technologies for undergraduate and graduate medical and pharmaceutical education.
Research results were published in monographs, manuals and journals (International Journal of Molecular Sciencethis, Bioengineering, The Lancet Infectious Diseases, Frontiers in Physiology, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Journal, Pharmaceutical Industry, etc.)
Prof. Svistunov was awarded сlass 2 medal of the Order “For the Merit to the Fatherland”
Prof. Svistunov is currently deputy chairman of the Education and Methodics Association of Medical and Pharmaceutical Universities of Russia and member of the editorial boards of the Pharmacoeconomics, Pharmateka, and Sechenovsky Vestnik journals.
In 2010-2022 Prof. Svistunov authored 238 papers.