Jia Liu
Staff Specialist Medical Oncology and Translational Lead of Phase 1 Unit, The Kinghorn Cancer Center, St Vincent's Hospital (Australia)
Dr Jia (Jenny) Liu (MD PhD) is a medical oncology staff specialist at The Kinghorn Cancer Centre, St Vincent’s Hospital (Darlinghurst, Sydney Australia) specialising in head and neck cancer and early phase clinical trials.
She graduated from UNSW with BMed MD with the University Medal, and completed her PhD in 2011 on colorectal cancer epigenetics. She has maintained an active research portfolio concurrent to full time clinical training. She is the translational lead of the Phase 1 Unit at the Kinghorn Cancer Centre, and investigator on over thirty investigator-initiated and commercially sponsored trials. Her areas of research expertise include biomarkers to improve patient matching to clinical trials and supportive care interventions to address fear of cancer recurrence/progression for cancer patients.
She is a honorary researcher at the Garvan Institute and visiting scientist at the Children’s Medical Oncology (ProCan) group, where she is liaising with collaborators nationally and internationally to utilise a novel high throughput mass spectromety pipeline which accurately measures tumour tissue proteomes to identify signatures associated with treatment response and outcome in multiple cancer cohorts.