Pessie Schlafrig
Co-founder and Director, Chaim Medical Resource, Org (USA)
Mrs. Pessie Schlafrig is the co-founder and director of Chaim Medical Resource, Org., a nonprofit, medical research and referral organization serving patients in the US and abroad. CMR was founded in 2015 when Pessie recognized a strong need for patient advocacy after multiple family members were struggling alone with various medical conditions. She single-handedly facilitated a lung transplant for one relative and petitioned with an insurance company to approve an interfacility transfer for another. Her solo operation morphed into a 90-person organization after she merged with another like-minded patient advocate, Shevy Kahan, 8 years ago. Pessie’s name is synonymous with encyclopedic knowledge of medical conditions, passion for uncompromised quality care, and broad range connections with internationally renowned researchers. Her mission is to bring targeted, cutting-edge medical care to patients struggling with rare and complex disorders. To that end, CMR aids over 1,500 patients on a daily basis.