WIN 3rd Symposium presents BEYOND THE SHOCK educational program from NBCF

Posted: Tuesday, May 31, 2011

WIN Consortium announces a breakthrough achievement of the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) to be presented during the WIN 3rd Symposium in Paris 6-8 July 2011: BEYOND THE SHOCK® educational program

The National Breast Cancer Foundation ( is a founding member of the WIN Consortium ( created in 2010 and Janelle Hail, founder of NBCF and breast cancer survivor, is on the WIN Board of Directors and Steering Committee.

The role of NBCF is sharing expertise in organizing structures and fundraising, and organizing educational and prevention efforts worldwide to improve quality of life of cancer patients

Beyond the Shock® ( is a comprehensive multi-cultural online guide to understanding breast cancer. Created by the NBCF it is a resource for women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer, a place for loved ones to gain a better understanding of the disease, and a tool for doctors to share information with their patients. It is currently being translated in multiple languages with the mission to bring hope around the world.


For further information, please contact:

Vladimir Lazar, Chief Operating Officer

Catherine Bresson, Director of Operational Team

Kevin Hail , Chief Operating Officer, NBCF